Sunday, October 23, 2011


Title: Ronald McEvil
Duration: 4 hours
Type: Digital Painting
Software: SAI, Photoshop (touch-up)
Artist comment: It's a so-so work...not really excited upon completing it. But hey, at least I did something, right?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Short courses & Dobby

Lately I was wondering whether what I learn back in diploma is enough for me to enter the workaholic world. I was wrong...

Anyway, I'm currently taking a 3 month full-time animation course at cgskill. There, they taught us about how to animate in Maya and a couple of tips and tricks. So here's my current works....

ps: yes, it's The Great 'Dobby' from Harry Potter movies~

Dobby happy walk cycle.

Dobby normal walk cycle. (He's a little grumpy though)

Dobby jumping

I'll add some more after I finished rendering some scenes....