Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lip sync~'s been a while since my last post here. I've been busy slacking myself off lately, so there's not much that artworks that I've done. Well, anyway, here's some of my works during this 3-months course:-

Lip sync animation (chinese)

Yeah, there's some minor adjustments that I need to do. Oh well, I'll just do that next time. Truthfully, I do enjoy animating stuff rather than modelling (at this point). The hardest part of this work is the lip part. I had to hear the audio file over and over again while mumbling myself, pretending that my mother tongue is cantonese.
I had to even record myself with the right gestures and expressions to get it right. 

Lip sync animation (tamil)

Well, that's all. 'Till next time folks~

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Title: Ronald McEvil
Duration: 4 hours
Type: Digital Painting
Software: SAI, Photoshop (touch-up)
Artist comment: It's a so-so work...not really excited upon completing it. But hey, at least I did something, right?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Short courses & Dobby

Lately I was wondering whether what I learn back in diploma is enough for me to enter the workaholic world. I was wrong...

Anyway, I'm currently taking a 3 month full-time animation course at cgskill. There, they taught us about how to animate in Maya and a couple of tips and tricks. So here's my current works....

ps: yes, it's The Great 'Dobby' from Harry Potter movies~

Dobby happy walk cycle.

Dobby normal walk cycle. (He's a little grumpy though)

Dobby jumping

I'll add some more after I finished rendering some scenes....

Monday, September 12, 2011

Completed art of the day~

Yami Yugi (Yugioh)

-Masa: +- 4 hari
-Perisian: Paint Tool SAI
-Komen: Lepas wat ni baru aku rase aku ni noob gile bab mengaler ngan lighting. Aku gagal dapatkan hasil yang aku jangkakan....looks like i need more practice....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pendahuluan & Hasil Kerja

Fuh, lama gile aku tk bukak blog aku nih. Yup, post ni merupakan post pertama ntuk blog aku yg baharu nih. Walaupun aku dh lama create, tp sebab tk tau nk type ape, aku biar la blog ni bersawang~ 

Okay, enough with the introduction crap. Memandangkan ni post pertama aku, aku nk raikannya dengan hasil2 kerja lama aku mase diploma dlu....

1. Hermes (Persona 3)

    - Masa : +- 3 hari
    - Perisian: Adobe Photoshop
    - Jenis: Lukisan digital (digital painting, duhh...)
    - Komen: lukisan asalnye full-body, tp sebab aku ni terkenal ngan sikap malas, aku wat sampai pinggang jerla. Seronok sebab aku dpt wat efek besi ngan chrome dan aku berjaya menimbulkan efek garisan kat badan tu. Ingat nk wat Orpheus, tk pon Izanagi, tp.............malas la~

2. Saga (Kamen Rider Kiva)

    - Masa: +- seminggu
    - Perisian: Adobe Photoshop
    - Jenis: Lukisan digital
    - Komen: Ni la artwork digital painting aku yg pertama. Lawa kan? hehe, sebenarnye aku tekap sebiji daripada gambar asal. aku trace balik gambar die, pastu aku kaler sikit2. aku pakai eyedrop daripada gambar asal, pastu kaler balik pakai brush dengan kaler drpd eyedrop. time ni aku bodoh2 lagi wat digital painting, so aku kaler se-detail yang boleh. Tu pasal amik mase seminggu. But of course, aku sangat hepi sebab dpt buat bende ni at first try~ XD

3. Hibiki (Kamen Rider Hibiki)

    - Masa: +- 1 hari
    - Perisian: Adobe Photoshop
    - Jenis: Lukisan digital
    - Komen: Ni artwork second aku. Time ni aku baru lepas tengok beberapa video speed painting kat youtube. Dorang tak wat se-detail yg boleh mcm artwork aku yg lepas tapi still nampak lawa. Trick diorang senang je, nampak rough dari dekat tkpe, janji nmpak lawa dari jauh...apalagi, aku test la hipotesis aku ni. First, aku trace gambar karekter ni, pastu aku taruk basic kaler (ungu) kat karekter ni. Pastu kaler lak merah kat bahagian2 tertentu diikuti dengan kaler kelabu ngan coklat. Pastu baru kaler detail2 tu. Time ni aku just refer kat gambar asal kejap, pastu kaler je kat part2 yg aku nk setakat ape yg aku ingat. Then aku kaler bayang, lepas tu baru aku kaler highlight (putih). Aku kaler background ngan kaler gelap sebab nk bagi 'matching' ngan kaler karekter ni. Pastu aku tmbah efek api (gambar asal tkde pon...). Maka siaplah satu lagi artwork aku. Time ni aku agak terkejut sebab aku leh siapkan artwork dlm sehari sedangkan artwork Saga tu aku siapkan dlm seminggu tp kualiti due2 artwork ni hampir same...

4. Iron Man (Iron Man 2008)

- Masa: +- 5 hari
- Perisian: Adobe Photoshop
- Jenis: Lukisan digital
- Komen: This is one of my well made digital painting XD. Lukisan ni aku wat time internship kat Jogjakarta. Time ni aku tengah bosan gile, tk tau nk watpe. Pastu member aku cerite pasal movie Iron Man ni, then die bandingkan antara die ngan aku sape fan Iron Man sejati. Aku pon cabar la die wat satu digital painting Iron Man. Nk bagi adil, aku pon kene lukis gak berdasarkan gambar poster yg same. Kitorang pon pulun la buat bende ni. Last2, aku je yg sempat siap sebelum deadline. Haha, take that! Now who's the real fan here? XD. Dlm lukisan ni kat bahagian bicep je yg aku tk dpt buat dengan elok.

5. Iron Man (custom design)

- Masa: +- 3 hari
- Perisian: Adobe Photoshop
- Jenis: Lukisan digital
- Komen: Ni aku wat style 'cell-shade'. Bagi aku kaler dier agak gelap & suram, bayang pon tk brape kene. Lantak la, aku baru first-time wat style cmni. Haha~

6. Funky girl

- Masa: +- 4 hari
- Perisian: Adobe Photoshop
- Jenis: Lukisan digital
- Komen: Color scheme agak lari, macam tak natural lukisan ni. Still kene asah teknik mengaler bayang...

*   *   *   *   *

So ni jerla yg aku nk post buat mase ni. Maybe esok lusa aku tunjuk artwork 3d lak kot....(masih lg dlm mode malas)~